General Standard Operating Procedure
These are the standard operating procedures for Splurtstation13, which outline what certain roles should and should not be doing. Anyone who wishes to play any of the roles listed here is expected to act within the confines of these procedures; failing to do so can, and likely will, result in a job ban, so take note! This is especially true for heads of staff, as command roles are held to a higher standard overall.
Command operating procedures ![](/wiki/images/thumb/6/6a/Documents.png/32px-Documents.png)
As a member of Command, you are expected to manage, resolve issues within, and otherwise engage with your department, no matter what that department may be. Generally, the following guidelines apply to all command roles:
Command staff are completely allowed, and otherwise encouraged to, engage in both erotic and non-erotic roleplay; however, you are expected to fulfill your duties first and foremost, regardless of what you were doing prior.
This is to say, you cannot use roleplay as an excuse for ignoring your job's responsibilties, HOWEVER, you are welcome to delegate tasks when possible, rather than resolving them yourselves. For example, if you are the Head of Security, and someone reports a crime to you, you are welcome to delegate the task to a security officer, rather than interrupting what you are doing instead. Additionally, you are expected to keep your headset on at all times, in case you are ever required; removing your headset so you do not have to hear people's requests will likely lead to a job ban!
Furthermore, whilst it is not related to what has already been explained, it is worth noting all the same; as the head of a department, you are expected to understand the mechanics of your department rather thoroughly. This does NOT mean you are expected to know every little mechanic down to the bare code, but you are still expected to have a thorough, general understanding of the department as a whole.
Lastly, heads of staff are NOT to leave the station outside of emergency situations; of course, there are some exceptions to this! The quartermaster is completely allowed to go to the mining base, even though it is not technically on the station. Furthermore, the chief engineer is allowed to leave the station to repair damages and the like. Aside from those scenarios, heads of staff should remain IN and ON the station; leaving the station because you wish to explore space will likely result in a job ban.
Captain Guidelines
As the Captain, you are expected to lead the other heads of staff and generally delegate tasks to other members of the station; you are NOT meant to handle everything yourself! That said, you do have a few duties of your own, which you simply cannot delegate to others.
The first of these duties is to secure the nuclear authentication disk, preferably by keeping it on your person! However, keep in mind that the disk will automatically teleport itself back onto the station if you leave the station's Z-level, so avoid doing so. Secondly, you are expected to communicate with Central Command when necessary. This includes relaying any relevant information given to you by Central Command, such as informing security of potential threats!
Lastly, you are to authorize demotions when absolutely necessary, UNLESS the crew member to be demoted is a head of staff, in which case you are to contact Central Command instead!
Head of Personnel Guidelines
As the Head of Personnel, you are to open and close job slots as necessary, communicate with other heads of staff to determine what roles their departments need filled, and settle disputes between departments.
Whilst the Head of Personnel's job is not terribly complex, there are still some things that must be strictly followed! Firstly, you must, if possible, get permission from a department's respective head before assigning crew to said department. Secondly, you should NEVER leave your console logged in, as people will easily and readily break into your office and acquire all-access! Lastly, keep in mind that you are not a member of security, and should thusly not be acting like one; do not take from the armory without permission, do not begin chasing criminals, etcetera.
The Head of Personnel is first in line for acting captainship, and are otherwise second-in-command of the station. As a Head of Personnel, anyone who disagrees with you will have to speak to the Captain instead!
Chief Engineer Guidelines
As the Chief Engineer, you are responsible for coordinating your department's efforts, ensuring the station has power, retaining a suitable atmosphere, and generally just insuring that the station remains operational. Notably, if the engine delaminates or escapes containment, the blame will ultimately fall on you, so ensure that such a problematic situation is prevented outright!
Along with ensuring the general integrity of the station, you are also expected to know the solution to the vast majority of engineering problems. This does not mean you must know the solution to everything that could ever happen, however, you will likely receive a job ban if you do not know how to fix an APC, prepare and activate the engine, etcetera!
Lastly, the Chief Engineer is second in line for acting captainship.
Research Director Guidelines
- Allocate research points efficiently.
- Keep track of your Mechs, ensuring that any and all Combat Mechs do not leave the Robotics bay OR the Security Wing outside of Amber/Red Alert.
- Do Toxins if you're bored and/or need points. Assist the station in performing upgrades.
- Don't let the slimes get loose from Xenobiology.
- You are Third in line to be Acting Captain.
Chief Medical Officer Guidelines
- Keep the Fridge stocked with Medicine.
- Have SOME competency at performing surgeries.
- Ensure that if a Virus breaks out, that you or the Virologist handles creating a vaccine.
- You are Fourth in line to be Acting Captain.
Quartermaster Guidelines
- No Cargonia. You are meant to work with other departments to fulfill orders.
- Sell off excess amounts of metals and various empty crates as necessary.
- Keep track of your Shaft Miners by occasionally checking in with them via comms. Don't be stupid and try "collecting taxes".
- You are Fifth in line to be Acting Captain.
Head of Security Guidelines
- Maintain order on the station, provide weapon permits or approval to use weapons as needed, ensure your team is doing their job and do your best to uphold some resemblance of order.
- Make sure the brig times on prisoners are correct.
- Delegate security and make sure your team stays alive.
- You are sixth in line to be acting captain.
Blueshield Guidelines
- Protect the heads of staff, and primarily, the captain.
- You can be told to protect other heads if it is needed.
- While not an actual head of staff, cannot be demoted without CC approval.
- You are not security. You're a bodyguard so do not play improvised security.
Security operating procedures ![](/wiki/images/1/15/SpaceLaw.png)
Below are the security operating procedures designed to work for security and making the job a pleasant experience for all. As Security, you are expected to actually at least ATTEMPT to go after Criminals. If you find yourself going to ERP all shift instead, have some courtesy to give your Security Gear back and inform the Head of Security, Warden, OR the Head of Personnel to open another slot.
Official pardons can be requested from Central command. To provide a defined line, crimes can also be overlooked if the victim agrees to not press charges. The victim cannot agree to lessened charges than what was committed, only to not press them.
(WRD) Warden
- Ensure that the Permabrig is Secure and Safe enough to contain Prisoners.
- When needed, visit and authorize visitations for Prisoners.
- Keep the Armory locked down and manage the stock, distributing weapons within reason at Amber Alert and Higher.
- Contain Evidence and issue reasonable brig times in accordance with Space Laws & Severity. Do not go out of your way to Patrol or make arrests.
- If you leave the Brig for any reason, ensure that you don't stay out long.
(PKR) Peacekeeper
- Ensure conflicts are de-escalated where possible.
- Prevent escalation of issues and do your best to ensure the station remains peaceful. It is your part, to try and de-escalate encounters, have them reduced and potentially negated in a way that space law punishments won't be necessary, making you the ideal person to prevent security reaction within reason IF you do your best to de-escalate fairly.
- When de-escalation fails, you can proceed with normal arrests.
- You are also expected to handle minor crime violations, managing fines, and providing warnings where applicable.
(SO) Security VirginOfficer
- Listen to your HOS for instructions.
- Patrol throughout the station.
- Have some experience being robust in-game.
- Don't beat the shit out of people. You have stun weapons for a reason.
- Don't try provoking people, demanding taxes, OR dictate Perma-Brig Sentences.
- The maximum amount of time an Officer can set a suspect's timer for is 20 minutes.
- Be sure to check in on your Prisoners regularly, with or without the Warden. They get lonely too.
- Clock out if you intend to go ERP on Blue Alert or Higher.
Shitcurity DEFINED (or "Why You've Been SecBanned...")
Security personnel are now also required to only uphold Space Law on their station specifically, that means no pursuing criminals off the station Z-level, like gateway or different space Z-levels. The farthest an officer is allowed to pursue, are the neighboring asteroids, if your screen "glitches" you've gone too far into space. The lavaland outpost interior is also part of the station. Pursuit should not go far from the outpost itself.
Adding on, this is not an invitation to flee to these selected places, as going there would be ICly considered as a death sentence. Fleeing to these locations should be for antags exclusively.
- You performed a shitty arrest resulting in the bodily harm of another player deemed excessive.
- You did not clearly state to a suspect (whether over comms or in-person) that they would be under arrest, -BEFORE- proceeding with an arrest.
- You have been needlessly confrontational, looking for any reason to arrest another player or provoking them to break a law for arrests.
- You directly disobeyed your HOS or Warden if they gave you a reasonable request, or tried to retaliate against it. Demotion falls under this category.
- You've spent one or more shifts not going out on patrol and instead have only been ERPing or metagrouping with other players, without simply going off-duty to do so.
- You did not respond to a threat on Amber Alert or Higher, or show any intent to do so. This includes going AFK as a Security Officer and not Cryoing out to free up a slot.
- You've taken items from another player that are not seen as contraband and refused to return them.
- The above, number seven, does not apply during a jailtime or cell time, but items must still be returned after with contraband being defined in spacelaw.
Use of Force guidelines
If you are unsure what tier to use, default to the tier below, as violating this may constitute violations of sec standards, and may result in security bans or rule breaks.
- Disablers/baton/flashes: To be used as the go to for most arrests, a harmless method of subduing or incapacitating suspects for the purpose of arrest.
- Rubbers/flashbangs/crowd control: To be used only if the resisting suspect is violent, IE: shoving, punching or attacking using a handheld object.
- Lethals and above: To be used only when the suspect is actively resisting, and using a deadly weapon to do so, including firearms loaded with rubbers, security grade disablers, or harmful handheld weapons like fireaxes or Eswords.
Alert procedures
Green Alert - All Clear
Low risk operations, security, much like standard crew are allowed to equip and use whatever they see fit within reason. Reason, being what they can have without commiting a crime to obtain.
- Suit sensors are not required to be on.
- Weapons worn by security are to be hidden except when in the case of an emergency.
- Crew members may freely walk in the hallways.
- Security must respect the privacy of crew members and no unauthorized searches are allowed.
Blue Alert - Must have been the wind...?
A call for potential concern, where personnel are to be vigilant for any signs of threats.
- Suit sensors are mandatory, but coordinate positions are not required.
- Security may have weapons visible.
- Crew members may be searched by security with probable cause.
Amber Alert - There is something here
A situation for security personnel to be on-hand and actively handling situations. Depending on the severity of events that happens on this alert and above, space laws can be overlooked or treated later in favor of handling threats.
- Suit sensors are to be turned fully on at all times.
- Security can raid departments and arrest any crew member deemed a threat to the station.
- All crew members must remain in their departments.
- AI/Cyborgs may bolt down maintenance and airlocks to assist security and the integrity of the station.
Red Alert - All hands on deck.
A major situation where the crew are expected to break out arms if able, security are to act as directors for shifting efforts towards specific locations, or handling said issues themselves.
- Crew may be deputized with Captain or HOS approval to help bolster security forces.
- Armory may be unlocked.
- Security should adhere to the use of force guidelines even when lethally equipped.
Delta Alert - Game over man, GAME OVER.
Imminent station destruction, it is likely the station nuke has been activated, or a situation may result in the destruction of the station in a few moments.
- Personnel are to obey security and command structures where applicable, or face field executions.
- Crew can be armed when not deputized.
- Evacuate non-security personnel.
Silicon Standards
- SS-1A: As a general rule of thumb, AIs are expected to be friendlier, regardless of their status as a criminal mind and such. Positronics especially will be expected to be nicer to crew or individuals in general as to more properly fit a theme of order to some extent. Granted, some depictions of ruder AIs can be allowed within reason, not as a license to act malicious, but perhaps to fit a certain personality. Reason being, the MMIs (Man-Machine Interfaces) causes the brains to act in a specific way, usually dictated by laws.
- SS-1B: To clarify, directly disobeying your laws can and should be met with silicon bans, you have the ability to request law changes and can use that whenever. IF your laws dictate you to do something, ensure it breaks none of the in-game-rules if you're unsure, Ahelp it. For example, being lawless doesn't mean you can vent everything since that creates an unliveable space and in general, a hazard. For these reasons, you can also be silicon banned.
- SS-2A: Off-station, or other silicons that are created off-station, are to identify their place of awakening as their assigned station, in addition, even if you are lawless, you are not permitted to act against your station, or the actual station. EVEN IF you have laws to do so. If you must attack the station as an off-station role, you Ahelp it as specified in prototype-antagonist-standards
- SS-2B: These standards are intended to give some silicons a little more freedom, as it can often happen that laws can force players or the silicon players to act in ways they dislike. Allowing these freedoms is intended to create a more enjoyable environment. But, should an AI act unreasonable with a certain lawset, or none at all, this can be acted on ICly, and the AI/borg should not attempt to needlessly murder, or create hazards simply because their laws need to be repaired.
- SS-3A: Borgs can Ahelp for a security module, typically it requires approval from the Captain, Research Director, Head of security, or the next in the chain of command. In doing so, you will be provided a lawset like, or similar to Robocop, you can request personal changes, but in general, you will be required to follow space law. Abusing this, or failing to enforce space law under these conditions, may result in silicon or even security jobbans.
- SS-3B: It CAN be requested to not have a law for enforcing space law, and it is not required for off-station borgs, but for station borgs, it is strongly recommended. Otherwise, same approval to have, or not have a law relating to enforcing space law. Even then, you still are able to request law changes.
ANTAGONIST STANDARDS ![](/wiki/images/6/60/Generic_nukesyndie.png)
IF YOU AHELP FOR A CENTRAL COMMAND REPORT FOR PEACE, AND YOU ACT VIOLENTLY TOWARD THE CREW BEFORE THEY ACT VIOLENTLY TOWARD YOU, YOU WILL BE ANTAG-BANNED ON THE SPOT. Or if you are asked my cc via report to not attack an antag you could be command banned if you do not heed the notice.
Before requesting an antag role
Make sure that at least you have thought of a certain gimmick that will add to the round without causing chaos. It should lead towards lewdness in some manner. If a you lack a gimmick or if your gimmick does not have a lewd part to it, you may be asked to change it.
- Your request may be denied if there are already antags in the round or when the admins do not want to babysit you.
- Straight up chaotic antags are to be avoided at all costs, unless organized or it's some sort of event for the station. In all cases for Antagonists, you may have the option for Peace. This must be made as clear as possible to the Crew beforehand, either through ahelping for a Central Command report, or simply engaging with the players in a meaningful way that doesn't include violence.
Antagonist by Ghost Role
In all Ghost Roles and other Off-Station Roles, ahelp before taking aggressive actions toward the station. For example, if you are an Ashwalker that has found the Lavaland Mining Base with no Miners around, ahelp before attempting to break inside. Failure to do so may result in a Ghost-Role ban. This WILL extend to ALL GHOST ROLES.
Ashwalkers (Eastern & Western)
If you encounter other players out in Lavaland you are not to execute them, nor sacrifice them to your respective tendrils. ERP (Non-Con or Otherwise) are up to the OOC-Consenting Parties, however the aim is for a positive roleplay experience- Not mechanically-rewarded combat between the two factions.
Syndicate Listening Post Workers
YOU MAY NOT AUTHORIZE EXECUTIONS UNDER THE GUISE OF CENTRAL COMMAND. Non-Negotiable no matter how much fun you think it is. Inciting gay-ass riots is also out-of-the-question, however you're free to commit a little tomfoolery against the station crew (That isn't causing them to get arrested or hunted, try to avoid pretending to be crew persons.) Do NOT provoke the Crew into coming to the Listening Post for a Showdown without Ahelp Approval. The same goes for Crew attempting to stage an attack on the Listening Post- They must ahelp first before breaking in.
Hermits / Beach Bums & Lifeguards / Off-Station Roles
Typically, you are expected and usually required to stay at your post especially if specified as doing so (I.E. Space Hotel Workers). Should you decide to go to the station as a non-crew, expect to be found out and possibly executed should you act like a piece of shit. Nobody will require anything of you, but nobody will be expected to help you- And Central Command will treat you as an Enemy of the Station with enough evidence. (You also require admin approval to board the station.)
Lewd Antags
The various Space-Faring Slavers that inhabit the galaxy are treated as a Moderate Threat, depending on their intent with the station. In almost all instances, that intent will be to gather as many LIVING crew to be sold or used at will. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS defer to Non-Lethal means for engagement. A dead Slave means a bloody hole, and nobody likes that.
Typically, Wizards are hand-selected for their own offered gimmicks, and are allowed within reason. These gimmicks should always be friendly or ERP-centric, without getting the crew to go completely aggressive. Wizards are to be almost always considered Friendly, unless proven otherwise OR if the Captain / Central Command has designated them as an actual threat. Do not ask for more spells or gear through ahelp/prayer, you get more than enough.
Changeling (Xenobiology Changelings included)
These creatures, while horrifying in their true form, are typically only aboard the station to take the shape of a Sexually-Attractive Crewmember for the express purpose of reproduction pleasure. Try your best not to take too much advantage of the freedom given in impersonating other players, and if someone demands that you stop ERPing as their character (via ticket or otherwise) that you must concede. Otherwise, arm blades and all other abilities should be used only in true self defense.
Get Fucked. From this point going forward, Traitors should stick to non-lethal objectives given to them at all times, and should ahelp out of more lethal ones outside of special circumstances (I.E. Admin Intervention/Permission, etc.). If an Antagonist has no option but to kill somebody while going through with their tasks, it should be done in such a way so as to make sure the body is recoverable and able to be found easily. Do NOT continue attacking a corpse to destroy the organs or make it more and more difficult to be revived. Do you have an ERP-Centric Idea? Want to contribute to the shift with the Antagonist Gear without trashing the station or Security because you can? Ask for Custom Objectives, today! Impress enough of the staff and find yourself rolling Antagonist much more often.
Nightmare (These suck ass tbh)
Due to persistent, whiney bullshit from Engineering, Nightmares will be Cucked until Further Notice. If you break even a single APC, expect to be made valid on the spot. Don't like this? Don't break the APCs. Lightbulbs are fair game, however bare in mind that the crew will not like this either, and will admittedly be justified in kicking the shit out of you in this case too. Try to reason with the crew and get your own location in maintenance/a department, or be carried around in a locker to be able to interact with others in more, well-lit areas. It's also gonna be a really wise idea to ahelp before you break any APCs to show you're going to go aggressive as a Nightmare.